Thursday, June 27, 2024


Keeping up with my training for Whitney this year I hiked to Etiwanda and Cucamonga peaks via Ice House canyon.

I started at 7am it was pretty nice but the bugs were out in full force. I had to don my big net.

The water still flowing nicely and so was the waterfall. 

I made good timing up to the Saddle and took a break. 

As always the scenery along the decent was nice.

I took a break at the second saddle under my favorite tree and enjoyed the cool breezes.

Along the route there were some new rock slides probably from the last storm. It has been a year since I last hiked this trail.

Anyways, I decided to take another break at the split before heading over to Etiwanda peak.

This side of the mountain was just as pretty and really opens up to some fantastic views.

I decided to continue on to check out Alta Loma peak because I was contemplating adding a 3rd peak to my planned route. However, once I started to descend I decided against it because that would mean another 1000ft of climbing back up.

I turned around and hiked to Etiwanda peak. The views were awesome. On the way, I found two huge mushrooms. 

At the summit, I noticed someone altered the peak sign( Stupid Miranda).

Anyways, no register or benchmark. I took my obligatory summit selfie and continued on to Cucamonga.

I arrived at Cucamonga peak and had the summit all to myself. I ate my lunch and just soaked in the views. This was probably my 6th time there.

Overall, not a bad day for 16 miles and 4800+ ft of gain.

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