Wednesday, November 22, 2023

My actual B-day hike to Mt. Williamson

My birthday fell on a weekday. Sean offered to drive up the ACH and take me somewhere for my my special day to see the sunset. Since we had a late start, it would be a short hike. We decided to drive to Mt. Islip Saddle and summit Mt. Williamson. 

I hadn't been there since the Bobcat fire so it was pretty devastating to see. The trail sign that pointed out the South Fork trail was completely demolished. However the PCT sign was still intact. 

We headed up the PCT trail. Burnt trees and debris covered most of the trail. It was very sad to look at but at the same time interesting to be able to still follow the trail up to the summit. 

It was very cold, I believe temps were in the 40's but we were prepared. The route was pleasant. A few fall colors and wildflowers were a good sign of re-growth. 

As we were approaching the summit we met a few PCT'ers that started their jourrney late in the season descending the trail. 

We continued on without seing another soul in sight. We arrived at summit just before sunset. By then it was freezing cold but Sean surprised me with Hot chocolate to keep us warm as we watched the beautiful sunset.

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