Sunday, July 9, 2023


A few weeks ago I did an exploratory hike with the forum boys in search of Rose Peak.

This is an historical summit name from the early days of the Switzer-Land resort.

A few weeks earlier we did an exploratory hike to find Rose peak. We located it from the Switzer area and as the sun set upon it, the peak glowed a beautiful rosy color. That's how the peak got its name.

On Sunday, we started our journey to climb this magnificent peak at 6am. 

The planned Route:

We met at the Bill Riley trailhead and hiked up Mt Disappointment road. We then ascended Mt Deception. From the East ridge of Deception we descended to Supercloud Hollow then to Rose Peak.. On the return we hiked back to Deception took a shortcut to the road then hiked on the Bill Riley Trail back to the cars.

Only one other person that we know of has successfully made it to Rose Peak.

This hike is not for everyone. It was a bushwacking nightmare of thick whitethorn and lots of yucca.

Luckily for me the boys came prepared with loppers and cleared some sections of the trail. 

The scratches on my legs weren't too bad and since I refuse to wear pants, I was happy they brought their tools.

Along the way we encountered a few steep, rocky descents and the final ascent to the summit was a rock scramble.

Four hours later, we finally reached our destination. 

It was an exhilarating, successful summit and the views were spectacular!

However, the return was a grueling steep climb back to Mt Deception which we bagged twice. 

It's a good thing we stashed water there earlier because it was very hot on the way back.

I found a goldmine of Mariposa Lilly's which made me smile.

After the hike we had ice cream at Handley's to celebrate.

Stats: 7 Miles, 2000+ ft of gain

         Nate, me, Keith & Colin

Summit of Rose Peak 5058'


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