Saturday, June 12, 2021


 Mt. Gleason is another peak that has been on my liist for awhile now. It is about a 20 mile hike, mostly on a fire road. I was up for the long trek (since I am training for Whitney) but Sean wasn't. He wanted to wait until they opened up the gate by Mill Creek which has been closed since the 2009 Station Fire. I agreed to wait so we could go together and cross this one off our list. Sean promised to show me the Fire Camp 16 memorial, bag a few peaks and search for benchmarks. 

Now that the gate is opened we took the long drive up the rocky road to our first destination. We visited the area where Fire Camp 16 was located. Sean had been there before but it was my first time. I paid my respects and wrote in the journals for the two fire fighters who lost their lives in the fire. It was a beautiful memorial. 

One of two structures that survived the fire. The BBQ.

Signs of re-growth and the poodle dog was blooming.. 

Next we headed to Mt. Gleason. There was some communication equipment on the summit and the register was placed at the high point about a quarter-mile away. 

After hanging out for a bit, we drove to the trailhead of Messenger Peak. I did not find a benchmark but there was a register. 

Summit selfies on Messenger Peak

Next stop was in search of SOLD benchmark. A really cool summit with huge rock formations but the benchmark was no where to be found. Just an old firebreak sign and some old surveyor equipment.

By this time it was getting pretty hot and we decided to call it a day but not before hitting up one more summit and finding two more benchmarks. 
                                                       Beartrap summit

To add we did find another Benchmark named ROCKY dated 1945 along our route to bagging these peaks..

Overall, it was a great day bagging three peaks and finding some cool benchmarks along the way. It was nice to see lots of wildflowers and Yucca  blooms.

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